Q 45: Ultracold Atoms, Ions and BEC IV (with A)
Wednesday, March 25, 2015, 14:30–16:30, C/HSW
14:30 |
Q 45.1 |
A single Rydberg atom as a chemistry reaction center in a Bose-Einstein condensate — •Michael Schlagmüller, Huan Nguyen, Karl Magnus Westphal, Kathrin Kleinbach, Fabian Böttcher, Tara Cubel Liebisch, Robert Löw, Sebastian Hofferberth, and Tilman Pfau
14:45 |
Q 45.2 |
Creation and Characterization of Quantum Synchronization in Trapped Ion Phonon-Lasers — Michael Hush, •Weibin Li, Sam Genway, Igor Lesanovsky, and Andrew Armour
15:00 |
Q 45.3 |
Stability and Tunneling Dynamics of a Dark-Bright Soliton Pair in a Harmonic Trap — •Evangelos T. Karamatskos, Jan Stockhofe, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis, and Peter Schmelcher
15:15 |
Q 45.4 |
Solution of the Fröhlich polaron problem at intermediate couplings — •Fabian Grusdt, Yulia E. Shchadilova, Alexey N. Rubtsov, and Eugene Demler
15:30 |
Q 45.5 |
Vortices in a toroidal Bose-Einstein condensate with a rotating weak link — Aleksander Yakimenko, •Yuriy Bidasyuk, Michael Weyrauch, Yevgeniy Kuriatnikov, and Stanislav Vilchinskii
15:45 |
Q 45.6 |
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Dysprosium — •Matthias Schmitt, Thomas Maier, Holger Kadau, Matthias Wenzel, Clarissa Wink, Axel Griesmaier, and Tilman Pfau
16:00 |
Q 45.7 |
Two-channel model of Penning ionization of cold metastable neon atoms — •Christian Cop and Reinhold Walser
16:15 |
Q 45.8 |
Many-Body Simulations of Ultracold 1D Atom-Ion Quantum Systems — •Johannes Schurer, Peter Schmelcher, and Antonio Negretti