Q 5: Quantum Gases: Bosons I
Montag, 23. März 2015, 11:30–13:00, P/H2
11:30 |
Q 5.1 |
Towards multi-body entanglement in optical lattices — •Hanning Dai, Bing Yang, Xiaofan Xu, Andreas Reingruber, Qi Shen, Zhensheng Yuan, and Jianwei Pan
11:45 |
Q 5.2 |
Observation of entanglement dynamics in a one dimension optical lattice — •Sebastian Hild, Jae-Yoon Choi, Takeshi Fukuhara, Peter Schauß, Johannes Zeiher, Immanuel Bloch, and Christian Groß
12:00 |
Q 5.3 |
Experimental realization of a Bose-Hubbard model with long-range interactions — •Renate Landig, Lorenz Hruby, Nishant Dogra, Rafael Mottl, Tobias Donner, and Tilman Esslinger
12:15 |
Q 5.4 |
Effect of cavity-mediated long-range interactions on the Mott insulator- superfluid transition — •Nishant Dogra, Ferdinand Brennecke, Rafael Mottl, Lorenz Hruby, Renate Landig, Sebastian Huber, Tobias Donner, and Tilman Esslinger
12:30 |
Q 5.5 |
A novel experiment for coupling a Bose-Einstein condensate with two crossed cavity modes — •Andrea Morales, Julian Leonard, Philip Zupancic, Tilman Esslinger, and Tobias Donner
12:45 |
Q 5.6 |
Experimental reconstruction of Wilson loops in a honeycomb lattice — •Martin Reitter, Tracy Li, Lucia Duca, Eugene Demler, Manuel Endres, Immanuel Bloch, Monika Schleier-Smith, and Ulrich Schneider