Q 50: Quantum Information: Concepts and Methods VII
Donnerstag, 26. März 2015, 11:00–13:00, K/HS1
11:00 |
Q 50.1 |
Weak thermal contact is not universal for work extraction — •Henrik Wilming, Rodrigo Gallego, and Jens Eisert
11:15 |
Q 50.2 |
Wigner function for curved configuration spaces — •Clemens Gneiting, Timo Fischer, and Klaus Hornberger
11:30 |
Q 50.3 |
Scalable Reconstruction of Unitary Processes and Hamiltonians — •Milan Holzäpfel, Tillmann Baumgratz, Marcus Cramer, and Martin B. Plenio
11:45 |
Q 50.4 |
A note on the relation between partial transpose, concurrence, and negativity — •Jens Siewert, Christopher Eltschka, and Géza Tóth
12:00 |
Q 50.5 |
Constructing Entanglement Witnesses from Random Local Measurements — •Jochen Szangolies, Hermann Kampermann, and Dagmar Bruß
12:15 |
Q 50.6 |
On Categorical Characterizations of No-signaling Theories — •Mariami Gachechiladze
12:30 |
Q 50.7 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
12:45 |
Q 50.8 |
Outcome strategies in geometric Bell inequalities — •Marcin Wiesniak, Arijit Dutta, and Junghee Ryu