Q 67: Quantum Information: Quantum Communication II
Freitag, 27. März 2015, 11:00–13:00, K/HS1
11:00 |
Q 67.1 |
Quantum Metrology based on Multi-Photon Interference — •Alexander Müller, Simon Laibacher, Vincenzo Tamma, and Wolfgang Schleich
11:15 |
Q 67.2 |
Novel criteria for quantum non-Gaussianity — •Lucas Happ, Maxim A Efremov, Hyunchul Nha, and Wolfgang P Schleich
11:30 |
Q 67.3 |
Degradability of Fermionic Gaussian Channels — Eliška Greplová and •Géza Giedke
11:45 |
Q 67.4 |
Design and evaluation of a handheld Quantum Key Distribution sender module — •Gwenaelle Mélen, Markus Rau, Lukas Fuchs, Giacomo Corrielli, Henning Weier, Sebastian Nauerth, Andrea Crespi, Roberto Osellame, and Harald Weinfurter
12:00 |
Q 67.5 |
Large-Alphabet Quantum Key Distribution Using Spatially Encoded Light — •Tristan Tentrup, Peter Hooijschuur, Reinier van der Meer, Georgios Ctistis, and Pepijn Pinkse
12:15 |
Q 67.6 |
Sub-µs spin state detection of single trapped atoms for a loophole-free test of Bell’s inequality — •Norbert Ortegel, Kai Redeker, Daniel Burchardt, Robert Garthoff, Wenjamin Rosenfeld, and Harald Weinfurter
12:30 |
Q 67.7 |
Trojan-horse attacks on practical continuous-variable quantum key distribution systems — •Imran Khan, Nitin Jain, Birgit Stiller, Paul Jouguet, Sébastien Kunz-Jacques, Eleni Diamanti, Vadim Makarov, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs
12:45 |
Q 67.8 |
Renormalising entanglement distillation — Stephan Wäldchen, •Janina Gertis, Earl T. Campbell, and Jens Eisert