Q 74: Quantum Information: Quantum Communication III
Freitag, 27. März 2015, 14:30–16:00, K/HS1
14:30 |
Q 74.1 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
14:45 |
Q 74.2 |
Hybrid system of a semiconductor quantum dot and a single ion — •Hendrik-Marten Meyer, Rob Stockill, Matthias Steiner, Claire Le Gall, Clemens Matthiesen, Jakob Reichel, Mete Atatüre, and Michael Köhl
15:00 |
Q 74.3 |
A two-color entangled photon pair source for interfacing dissimilar quantum systems — •Chris Müller, Thomas Kreissl, Tim Kroh, Otto Dietz, and Oliver Benson
15:15 |
Q 74.4 |
Measuring squeezing produced by a type II KTP waveguide downconversion source — •Thomas Dirmeier, Nitin Jain, Georg Harder, Vahid Ansari, Gerd Leuchs, Christoph Marquardt, and Christine Silberhorn
15:30 |
Q 74.5 |
Interfacing various atomic transitions and telecom wavelengths with a single tunable narrowband photon-pair source — •Gerhard Schunk, Ulrich Vogl, Michael Förtsch, Dmitry Strekalov, Florian Sedlmeir, Harald G. L. Schwefel, Gerd Leuchs, and Christoph Marquardt
15:45 |
Q 74.6 |
Cascaded parametric down-conversion with seed — •Stephan Krapick, Benjamin Brecht, Vahid Ansari, Harald Herrmann, and Christine Silberhorn