10:45 |
UP 13.1 |
Evaluation of GOME2 tandem observations of NO2 — •Andreas Richter, Andreas Hilboll, Lisa K. Behrens, and John P. Burrows
10:45 |
UP 13.2 |
Cloud detection by inversion of MAX-DOAS measurements — •Jan-Marcus Nasse, Johannes Zielcke, Udo Frieß, Johannes Lampel, Gert König-Langlo, and Ulrich Platt
10:45 |
UP 13.3 |
Development of the Inertial Sensor-based Attitude compensating MAX-DOAS instrument — •Lara Penth, Denis Pöhler, Johannes Lampel, and Ulrich Platt
10:45 |
UP 13.4 |
Validation of the IUP Nadir Ozone Profile Retrieval — •Stefan Bötel, Mark Weber, Alexei Rozanov, and John P. Burrows
10:45 |
UP 13.5 |
Performance of the HALO mini-DOAS instrument and detection of trace gases and cloud properties — •Tilman Hüneke, Matthias Knecht, Marcel Reichert, Jannis Weimar, and Klaus Pfeilsticker
10:45 |
UP 13.6 |
Discrete field of view sampling of satellite and ground-based DOAS-type instruments using high-resolution imager data — •Holger Sihler, Steffen Beirle, Peter Lübcke, Julia Remmers, and Thomas Wagner
10:45 |
UP 13.7 |
Simulation of radiative field modification in the UV/visible/nearIR spectral range due to tropical clouds (Cirrus and convective Clouds) — •Matthias Knecht, Katja Grossmann, Tim Deutschmann, Tilman Hüneke, and Klaus Pfeilsticker
10:45 |
UP 13.8 |
The Brewer-Dobson circulation and polar ozone depletion — •Martin Budde
10:45 |
UP 13.9 |
T-matrix calculation with the Green's dyadic technique for electromagnetic scattering: a numerical approach using the Dyson equation — •ugo tricoli and klaus pfeilsticker
10:45 |
UP 13.10 |
Conceptual model: possible changes of the seawater uranium isotopic composition through time — •Hannah Nowitzki, Norbert Frank, and Jens Fohlmeister
10:45 |
UP 13.11 |
Radiative Transfer in Volcanic Plumes — •Katja Bigge, Nicole Bobrowski, Peter Lübcke, and Ulrich Platt
10:45 |
UP 13.12 |
Estimation of soil hydraulic material properties based on time-lapse Ground Penetrating Radar measurements — •Stefan Jaumann, Klenk Patrick, and Kurt Roth
10:45 |
UP 13.13 |
Development of a sample preparation procedure for the simultaneous determination of Np and Pu in clay samples — •Tobias Renz, Francesca Quinto, Markus Lagos, Markus Plaschke, Andreas Bauer, Horst Geckeis, and Heinrich Taubald
10:45 |
UP 13.14 |
Messtechnisches Prinzip eines neuen Einstrahlungsmessgerätes — •Jörg Bendfeld, Wolfgang Bermpohl und Stefan Balluff
10:45 |
UP 13.15 |
High precision U-series dating of stalagmites — •Jennifer Arps, René Eichstädter, François Thil, and Edwige Pons-Branchu
10:45 |
UP 13.16 |
Towards 3D-space visualization of concentration fields of air-water gas transfer — •Darya Trofimova, Christine Kräuter, and Bernd Jähne
10:45 |
UP 13.17 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
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UP 13.18 |
The contribution has been moved to UP 4.26.
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UP 13.19 |
reconstruction of Arctic surface temperature in past 100 years using DINEOF — •Qiyi Zhang
10:45 |
UP 13.20 |
Merging the climate model results with proxy records over land-only Arctic area in recent 600 years — •Xin Chen, Yong Luo, and Pei Xing
10:45 |
UP 13.21 |
The contribution has been moved to UP 10.6.
10:45 |
UP 13.22 |
Deep Atlantic Circulation changes around Heinrich events: A 231Pa/230Th compilation — •Benny Antz, Jörg Lippold, Norbert Frank, and Hartmut Schulz
10:45 |
UP 13.23 |
Growth rates of ferromanganese crusts - O2 concentration in the deep Pacific during the LGM — •Freya Hemsing, Augusto Mangini, Christian Wirsig, and Norbert Frank
10:45 |
UP 13.24 |
Noble Gases of Glacial Origin in Palaeogroundwater in the Northern Part of the Baltic Artesian Basin, Estonia. — •Therese Weissbach, Werner Aeschabch-Hertig, Valle Raidla, and Rein Vaikmäe
10:45 |
UP 13.25 |
Dynamics of reactive and inert gases in soil air and groundwater in the context of noble gases as environmental tracers — •Simon Mayer, Florian Jenner, and Werner Aeschbach-Hertig
10:45 |
UP 13.26 |
Dating with Atom Trap Trace Analysis of 39Ar: Methods of sample preparation — •Arne Kersting, Thomas Reichel, Sven Ebser, Florian Ritterbusch, Werner Aeschbach-Hertig, and Markus K. Oberthaler
10:45 |
UP 13.27 |
Comparison of Parametrizations for Bubble-induced Gas Exchange — •Wolfgang Mischler and Bernd Jähne