UP 16: Meßtechnik
Freitag, 27. März 2015, 10:45–13:00, G/gHS
10:45 |
UP 16.1 |
High-precision surface-based Ground-Penetrating Radar monitoring of near-surface hydrological processes — •Patrick Klenk, Stefan Jaumann, and Kurt Roth
11:00 |
UP 16.2 |
Soil moisture sensing by cosmic ray induced neutron showers — •Markus Köhli, Martin Schrön, and Ulrich Schmidt
11:15 |
11:45 |
UP 16.3 |
Air-Sea Gas Exchange: from Empiric Wind Speed Relations to Regimes and Ranges — •Bernd Jähne
12:15 |
UP 16.4 |
Sensing Environmental Water Content with Cosmic-Ray Neutrons — •Martin Schrön, Markus Köhli, Steffen Zacharias, Peter Dietrich, and Sascha Oswald
12:30 |
UP 16.5 |
Active Thermography as a Tool to Investigate Heat and Gas Transfer — •Jakob Kunz and Bernd Jähne
12:45 |
UP 16.6 |
High-resolution 2-D fluorescence imaging of gas transfer at a free water surface — •Christine Kräuter, Darya Trofimova, Daniel Kiefhaber, and Bernd Jähne