08:50 |
Begrüßung und Eröffnung
09:00 |
UP 2.1 |
Ozone trends and variability in a changing climate — •Mark Weber
09:30 |
UP 2.2 |
Der Beitrag wurde abgesagt.
09:45 |
UP 2.3 |
Spatio-Temporal Variability of Water Vapor Investigated by LIDAR and FTIR vertical soundings above Mt. Zugspitze — •Hannes Vogelmann, Ralf Sussmann, Thomas Trickl, and Andreas Reichert
10:00 |
UP 2.4 |
Remote sensing of greenhouse gases from space and ground — •Andre Butz, Arne Babenhauserheide, Ramiro Checa-Garcia, Constanze Fischerkeller, Philipp Hahne, Frank Hase, Friedrich Klappenbach, Julian Kostinek, and Rasmus Raecke
10:15 |
UP 2.5 |
Wie stratosphärisch sind stratosphärische Intrusionen in die Troposphäre? — •Thomas Trickl, Hannes Vogelmann, Hans-Eckhart Scheel, Michael Sprenger und Andreas Stohl
10:30 |
11:00 |
UP 2.6 |
Towards a better tropospheric ozone product from SCIAMACHY Limb-Nadir-Matching method — •Jia Jia, Alexei Rozanov, Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, Felix Ebojie, Stefan Bötel, and John Burrows
11:15 |
UP 2.7 |
Retrieval of BrO at Tungurahua volcano and the NOVAC network — •Simon Warnach, Peter Lübcke, Nicole Bobrowski, Santiago Arellano, Bo Galle, Silvana Hidalgo, Leif Vogel, Florian Dinger, and Ulrich Platt
11:30 |
UP 2.8 |
Bromine Chemistry in the Tropical UTLS during the NASA ATTREX Experiments — •Bodo Werner et al.
11:45 |
UP 2.9 |
Langpfad-DOAS Messungen mit einer Laserbetriebenen Lichtquelle und verbesserter Modenmischung — •Philipp Eger, Denis Pöhler und Ulrich Platt
12:00 |
UP 2.10 |
Space-based observations of CO2: From SCIAMACHY to CarbonSat — •M. Reuter, M. Buchwitz, M. Hilker, J. Heymann, O. Schneising, D. Pillai, H. Bovensmann, and J.P. Burrows
12:15 |
UP 2.11 |
Charakterisierung und Vergleich von photoakustischer und Cavity-Ring-Down Spektroskopie zur Überwachung von Ammoniakkonzentrationen im Spurengasbereich — •Nils Lüttschwager, Andrea Pogány, Anne Rausch, Olav Werhahn und Volker Ebert
12:30 |
UP 2.12 |
Retrieval of atmospheric methane from mid-infrared FTIR spectrometry optimized for profile information content and minimal cross-sensitivity to water vapor — •Petra Hausmann and Ralf Sussmann
12:45 |
13:45 |
UP 2.13 |
A model study of the plasma chemistry of stratospheric Blue Jets — •Holger Winkler and Justus Notholt
14:00 |
UP 2.14 |
Retrieval of metal atom and ion number densities in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere from SCIAMACHY/Envisat limb MLT measurements — •Martin Langowski, Christian von Savigny, Miriam Sinnhuber, Art C. Aikin, and John P. Burrows
14:15 |
UP 2.15 |
Lunar semi-diurnal tidal signatures in noctilucent clouds — •Christian von Savigny and Matthew DeLand
14:30 |
UP 2.16 |
A semi-empirical approach to derive parameters of charged aerosols from EISCAT dual frequency PMSE observations — •Irina Strelnikova, Martin Friedrich, Markus Rapp, Jorge L. Chau, and Boris Strelnikov
14:45 |
UP 2.17 |
Sources of ultrafine particles over Germany, an airborne survey — •Wolfgang Junkermann
15:00 |
UP 2.18 |
Airborne differential absorption and high spectral resolution lidar measurements for aerosol and cirrus cloud studies — •Silke Groß, Martin Wirth, Andreas Schäfler, and Andreas Fix
15:15 |
15:45 |
UP 2.19 |
In situ characterization of small cloud ice particles in mixed phase clouds — •Paul Vochezer, Martin Schnaiter, and Thomas Leisner
16:00 |
UP 2.20 |
Deposition nucleation and growth of polar and non-polar gases on small nanoparticles in a linear ion trap — •Denis Duft, Mario Nachbar, and Thomas Leisner
16:15 |
UP 2.21 |
FTIR based measurements of the self-broadening and shift coefficients of the first overtone band of HCl — •Gang Li, Anton Serdyukov, Olav Werhahn, and Volker Ebert
16:30 |
UP 2.22 |
Competition between contact and immersion freezing of supercooled water droplets induced by biological particles — •Nadine Hoffmann, Michael Koch, Denis Duft, Alexei Kiselev, and Thomas Leisner