10:45 |
UP 4.1 |
Tropical tropospheric ozone from satellite observations with the Convective Clouds Differential technique — •Elpida Leventidou, Kai-Uwe Eichmann, Mark Weber, and John Burrows
10:45 |
UP 4.2 |
Reactive chlorine chemistry in the boundary layer of coastal Antarctica — •Johannes Zielcke, Denis Pöhler, Tim Hay, Udo Frieß, Philipp Eger, Karin Kreher, and Ulrich Platt
10:45 |
UP 4.3 |
Characterizing variability in OH * emission altitudes during the last solar cycle retrieved from SCIAMACHY nightglow observations — •Georg Teiser, Christian von Savigny, and Holger Winkler
10:45 |
UP 4.4 |
Aircraft-borne DOAS limb observations of UV/visible absorbing trace gas species over Borneo — •Katja Großmann, Marcel Dorf, Bodo Werner, and Klaus Pfeilsticker
10:45 |
UP 4.5 |
Spectroscopic measurements in the tropical tropopause layer from aboard the NASA Global Hawk — J. Stutz, M. Spolaor, J. Festa, F. Colosimo, B. Werner, R. Raecke, •L. Scalone, K. Pfeilsticker, M. Chipperfield, and R. Hossaini
10:45 |
UP 4.6 |
MAX-DOAS observation of CHOCHO, HCHO and NO2 over Nairobi and Athens — •Leonardo Alvarado, Andreas Richter, Enno Peters, Folkard Wittrock, John P. Burrows, Mihalis Vrekoussis, Myrto Gratsea, and Evangelos Gerasopoulos
10:45 |
UP 4.7 |
Simultaneous balloon-borne measurements of the key inorganic bromine species BrO and BrONO2 in the stratosphere: (DOAS evaluation) — •S. Kazarski, G. Maucher, A. Ebersoldt, A. Butz, H. Oelhaf, F. Friedl-Vallon, H. Nordmeyer, M. Hoepfner, S. Schmitt, L. Scalone, K. Grossmann, T. Hueneke, K. Pfeilsticker, and J. Orphal
10:45 |
UP 4.8 |
Simultaneous balloon-borne measurements of the key inorganic bromine species BrO and BrONO2 in the stratosphere: MIPAS evaluation — •Gerald Wetzel, Hermann Oelhaf, Felix Friedl-Vallon, Andreas Ebersoldt, Thomas Gulde, Michael Höpfner, Anne Kleinert, Guido Maucher, Hans Nordmeyer, and Johannes Orphal
10:45 |
UP 4.9 |
Monitoring shipping emissions with MAX-DOAS measurements of reactive trace gases — •André Seyler, Folkard Wittrock, Lisa Kattner, Barbara Mathieu-Üffing, Enno Peters, Andreas Richter, Stefan Schmolke, Norbert Theobald, and John P. Burrows
10:45 |
UP 4.10 |
Airborne imaging DOAS during AROMAT — •Andreas C. Meier, Anja Schönhardt, André Seyler, Andreas Richter, Thomas Ruthz, and John P. Burrows
10:45 |
UP 4.11 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
10:45 |
UP 4.12 |
Sensitivity of equatorial atomic oxygen in the MLT to the 11-year and 27-day cycles of solar activity — •Olexandr Lednyts’kyy and Christian von Savigny
10:45 |
UP 4.13 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
10:45 |
UP 4.14 |
Observations of RHS concentrations and processes at the Dead Sea Valley — •Stefan Schmitt, Robert Holla, Denis Pöhler, Udo Frieß, Ulrich Platt, Andreas Held, Katharina Kamilli, Ulrich Corsmeier, and Jutta Zingler
10:45 |
UP 4.15 |
Detection of noctilucent clouds in SCIAMACHY/Envisat nadir UV-measurements — •Martin Langowski and Christian von Savigny
10:45 |
UP 4.16 |
Mie resonance spectroscopy of levitated ternary organic/ammonium sulfate (AS)/water aerosol particles — •Andreas Peckhaus and Ulrich Krieger
10:45 |
UP 4.17 |
Messung von Iodoxid in der Grenzschicht des indischen Ozeans mit CE-DOAS — •Henning Finkenzeller, Johannes Lampel, Denis Pöhler und Ulrich Platt
10:45 |
UP 4.18 |
Aerosoldaten aus SCIAMACHY Sonnenokultationsmessungen — •Jacob Zalach und Christian von Savigny
10:45 |
UP 4.19 |
Different dusts in AIDA cloud chamber immersion freezing and deposition ice nucleation experiments — •Romy Ullrich, Naruki Hiranuma, Corinna Hoose, Ottmar Möhler, Monika Niemand, Isabelle Steinke, and Robert Wagner
10:45 |
UP 4.20 |
Aerosol measurements during the SOPRAN experiment in the Heidelberg Aeolotron — •Manuela van Pinxteren, Juan Najera, Badr R'Mili, Kerstin Krall, Gordon McFiggans, Barbara D'Anna, Bernd Jähne, and Hartmut Herrmann
10:45 |
UP 4.21 |
A novel experimental setup to study heterogeneous nucleation and growth rates on meteor smoke particle analogues — •Mario Nachbar, Denis Duft, and Thomas Leisner
10:45 |
UP 4.22 |
Preliminary results of the SOPRAN seawater gas exchange experiment in the Heidelberg Aeolotron — •Kerstin E. Krall, Jakob Kunz, Maximilian Bopp, Daniel Kiefhaber, Mariana Ribas Ribas, Janina Rahlff, Cuici Sun, Martin Sperling, Anke C. Nölscher, Bettina Derstroff, Christof Stönner, Bernd Schneider, Oliver Wurl, Anja Engel, Jonathan Williams, and Bernd Jähne
10:45 |
UP 4.23 |
Ice crystal growing on mineral surfaces in ESEM — •Felix Bachmann, Alexei Kiselev, Philipp Pedevilla, Stephen Cox, and Angelos Michaelisdes
10:45 |
UP 4.24 |
Forward scattering by levitated ice crystals — •Mohamed Abdelrasoul, Alexei Kiselev, and Thomas Leisner
10:45 |
UP 4.25 |
Studying Ice-crystallization on the Molecular Level using Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy — •Ahmed Abdelmonem, Johannes Lützenkirchen, and Thomas Leisner
10:45 |
UP 4.26 |
The impact of energetic particle precipitation to middle atmosphere dynamic — •Khalil Karami, Miriam Sinnhuber, Stefan Versick, and Peter Braesicke