Wuppertal 2015 – scientific programme
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AKBP: Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik
AKBP 4: FEL, Seeding and Thomson Scattering
AKBP 4.5: Talk
Monday, March 9, 2015, 17:45–18:00, F.10.01 (HS 4)
Free-Electron-Lasers based on High-Brightness Electrons from Underdense Photocathode Plasma Wakefield Accelerator. — •Gregor Hurtig1, Georg Wittig1, Alexander Knetsch1, and Bernhard Hidding1,2 — 1Department of Experimental Physics, University of Hamburg, Germany — 22SUPA, Scottish Center for the Application of Plasma Accelerators (SCAPA) , University of Strathclyde, UK
Free Electron Lasers (FEL) are outstanding instruments for natural, material and life sciences and engineering. The FEL process and output depends strongly on the driving electron bunch parameters such as current and beam emittance, energy, and (slice) energy spread. Thanks to the GV/m-scale accelerating fields, plasma accelerators can reach high electron energies in compact setups, but beam quality until recently could not compete with large state-of-the-art facilities such as LCLS, FLASH, XFEL etc.
A potential, hybrid breakthrough method to produce electron bunches with emittance, current and brightness orders of magnitude better than at mentioned facilities is the underdense photocathode plasma wakefield acceleration scheme ('Trojan Horse'). In addition, the high degree of control and tunability of accelerated electron beam properties allows for flexibility in choosing the appropriate FEL process, undulator structure etc. Trojan Horse accelerated electron beams are analyzed based on 3D particle in cell simulations, and FEL simulations using state-of-the-art codes such as GENESIS and Puffin are presented and ongoing and future R&D is highlighted.