Darmstadt 2016 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
AKBP 12: Beam Diagnostics I
Donnerstag, 17. März 2016, 14:00–16:00, S1/05 23
14:00 |
AKBP 12.1 |
Messung einer 3D-Resonanzkarte an ELSA — •Dennis Proft, Jan Schmidt, Jens-Peter Thiry und Wolfgang Hillert
14:15 |
AKBP 12.2 |
Characterization of BPM pickup designs for the HESR @ FAIR using simulations and numerical calculations — •Arthur Halama, Vsevolod Kamerdzhiev, Christian Böhme, and Sudharsan Srinivasan
14:30 |
AKBP 12.3 |
Design and Construction of the HESR BPM prototype wire test bench at COSY, Forschungzentrum Jülich — •Sudharsan Srinivasan, Vsevolod Kamerdzhiev, and Christian Böhme
14:45 |
AKBP 12.4 |
High-accuracy electron beam energy measurement at the Mainz Microtron — •Philipp Herrmann
15:00 |
AKBP 12.5 |
The Transverse Deflecting Cavity for Beam Diagnostics at bERLinPro — •Georgios Kourkafas, Hans-Walter Glock, Andreas Jankowiak, Thorsten Kamps, Dmitriy Malyutin, Axel Neumann, Jens Völker, Alessandro Ferrarotto, and Thomas Weis
15:15 |
AKBP 12.6 |
Development of a diamond detector for temporal profile measurements of intense, short ion bunches within the LIGHT project — •Diana Jahn, Michael Träger, and Mladen Kis for the LIGHT collaboration
15:30 |
AKBP 12.7 |
Simultaneous detection of longitudinal and transverse bunch signals at ANKA — •Benjamin Kehrer, Edmund Blomley, Miriam Brosi, Erik Bründermann, Nicole Hiller, Anke-Susanne Müller, Paul Schütze, Johannes Steinmann, Manuel Schedler, Marcel Schuh, Patrik Schönfeldt, and Nigel Smale
15:45 |
AKBP 12.8 |
Rose, a rotating System for 4D Emittance measurements — •Michael Maier, Lars Groening, Chen Xiao, Sascha Mickat, Xiaonan Du, Gerhard Peter, and Vormann Hartmut