16:30 |
AKBP 15.1 |
Gasentladungszelle für Plasmabeschleunigungsexperimente am Photoinjektor-Teststand Zeuthen — •Gregor Loisch, Johannes Engel, Matthias Gross, Martin Hochberg, Gerald Koss, Mikhail Krasilnikov, Osip Lishilin, Anne Oppelt, Gaurav Pathak, Sebastian Philipp, Dieter Richter, Martin Sack und Frank Stephan
16:45 |
AKBP 15.2 |
Electron windows studies for Self-Modulation Experiments at PITZ — •Osip Lishilin, Reinhard Brinkmann, Johannes Engel, Florian Gruener, Matthias Gross, Gerald Koss, Gregor Loisch, Sebastian Philipp, Gaurav Pathak, Dieter Richter, Carl Schroeder, Rico Schuetze, and Frank Stephan
17:00 |
AKBP 15.3 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:15 |
AKBP 15.4 |
Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Plasma Channel Generation for Beam Driven Plasma Wakefield Accelerators — •Gabriele Tauscher, Alexander Aschikhin, John Dale, Jan-Hendrik Erbe, Lars Goldberg, Timon Mehrling, Lucas Schaper, Jan-Patrick Schwinkendorf, Matthew Streeter, Bernhard Schmidt, and Jens Osterhoff
17:30 |
AKBP 15.5 |
Emittance conservation through tailored plasma ramps in PWFA scenarios — •Alexander Aschikhin, Alberto Martinez de la Ossa, Timon Mehrling, and Jens Osterhoff
17:45 |
AKBP 15.6 |
Single-shot betatron source size measurement from a laser-wakefield accelerator — •Alexander Köhler, Jurjen Couperus, Omid Zarini, Axel Jochmann, Arie Irman, and Ulrich Schramm
18:00 |
AKBP 15.7 |
Reaching for highest ion beam intensities through laser ion acceleration and beam compression — •Dennis Schumacher, Diana Jahn, Johannes Ding, Christian Brabetz, Abel Blazevic, Vincent Bagnoud, Florian Kroll, Ulrich Schramm, Tom Cowan, Simon Weih, and Markus Roth for the LIGHT collaboration
18:15 |
AKBP 15.8 |
High-repetition-rate laser-proton acceleration from a condensed hydrogen jet — •Lieselotte Obst, Karl Zeil, Sebastian Göde, Josefine Metzkes, Hans-Peter Schlenvoigt, Maxence Gauthier, Martin Rehwald, Christian Rödel, Philipp Sommer, Michael MacDonald, Florian Brack, William Schumaker, Ulrich Schramm, and Siegfried Glenzer