Darmstadt 2016 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
AKBP 4: RF, Resonators and Applications II
Montag, 14. März 2016, 16:30–18:15, S1/05 24
16:30 |
AKBP 4.1 |
Recommissioning of the High-Temperature UHV-Furnace at the S-DALINAC for Research on Future RF Cavitiy Materials* — •Ruben Grewe, Jens Conrad, Thorsten Kürzeder, Norbert Pietralla, Lambert Alff, Marton Major, and Florian Hug
16:45 |
AKBP 4.2 |
Suppression of field emission from Nb and Mo surfaces by insulating oxides — •Stefan Lagotzky and Günter Müller
17:00 |
AKBP 4.3 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:15 |
AKBP 4.4 |
Messung des Oberflächenwiderstands von supraleitenden Proben mit dem HZB Quadrupolresonator — •Sebastian Keckert, Raphael Kleindienst, Jens Knobloch und Oliver Kugeler
17:30 |
AKBP 4.5 |
Studies of HOMs in Chains of SRF Cavities using State-Space Concatenation Scheme — •Tomasz Galek, Johann Heller, Thomas Flisgen, Korinna Brackebusch, and Ursula van Rienen
17:45 |
AKBP 4.6 |
Numerical Investigation of External Losses for Superconducting Radio-Frequency Resonators — •Johann Heller, Thomas Flisgen, Tomasz Galek, and Ursula van Rienen
18:00 |
AKBP 4.7 |
Multi-Objekt-Optimierung für Strahldynamikstudien an einem SRF Photoinjektor — •Eva Panofski, Andreas Jankowiak, Thorsten Kamps und Jens Völker