16:30 |
HK 11.1 |
Constraining nuclear physics input-parameters for the synthesis of heavy elements via cross-section measurements of charged-particle induced reactions — •Philipp Scholz, Felix Heim, Jan Mayer, Lars Netterdon, and Andreas Zilges
17:00 |
HK 11.2 |
Investigation of the s-process branch-point nucleus 86Rb at HIγS* — •Philipp Erbacher, Jan Glorius, Johann Isaak, Bastian Loeher, Rene Reifarth, Deniz Savran, Kerstin Sonnabend, and Werner Tornow
17:15 |
HK 11.3 |
Partial cross sections of the 92Mo(p,γ) reaction and the γ-strength in 93Tc — •Jan Mayer, Lars Netterdon, Philipp Scholz, and Andreas Zilges
17:30 |
HK 11.4 |
Nuclear resonance fluorescence on 87Rb* — •Benjamin Brückner, Jan Glorius, René Reifarth, Kerstin Sonnabend, Deniz Savran, Johann Isaak, and Ronald Schwengner
17:45 |
HK 11.5 |
91Nb(p,γ) or There and back again — •Benedikt Thomas, Andrey Blazhev, Rugard Dressler, Ulrich Giesen, Jan Glorius, Milan Kritčka, Markus Reich, René Reifarth, Dorothea Schumann, Kerstin Sonnabend, and Karl-Oscar Zell
18:00 |
HK 11.6 |
Bestimmung des 10Be(n,γ) - Wirkungsquerschnitts — •Meiko Volknandt, Klaus Eberhardt, Anne Endres, Matthias Fix, Tanja Heftrich, Stefan Heinitz, Enno Hrivula, Arnd Junghans, Franz Käppeler, Alberto Mengoni, Rene Reifarth, Stefan Schmidt, Dorothea Schumann, Mario Weigand und Norbert Wiehl
18:15 |
HK 11.7 |
The investigation of quasi-free scatering reactions with the two-proton-halo nucleus 17Ne — •Christopher Lehr, Thomas Aumann, Felix Wamers, and Justyna Marganiec