Darmstadt 2016 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 58: Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei XI
Donnerstag, 17. März 2016, 16:30–18:15, S1/01 A03
16:30 |
HK 58.1 |
Decay Spectroscopy with EURICA in the region of 100Sn — •Daniel Lubos, Roman Gernhäuser, Thomas Faestermann, and Konrad Steiger for the EURICA RIBF09 collaboration
17:00 |
HK 58.2 |
Study of multiple isomeric states in 95Ag via electron and gamma-ray spectroscopy — •Kevin Moschner, Andrey Blazhev, Plamen Boutachkov, Paul Davies, Magda Górska, Hubert Grawe, Robert Wadsworth, and Nigel Warr
17:15 |
HK 58.3 |
B(E2) massurement of 112Sn with NRF — •Marcel Schilling, Tobias Beck, Udo Gayer, Laura Mertes, Haridas Pai, Norbert Pietralla, Philipp C. Ries, Christopher Romig, Volker Werner, and Markus Zweidinger
17:30 |
HK 58.4 |
Lifetime measurement in neutron-rich A ∼ 100 nuclei — •Saba Ansari, Jan Jolie, Jean-Marc Régis, Nima Saed-Samii, and Nigel Warr for the EXILL-FATIMA collaboration
17:45 |
HK 58.5 |
High resolution electron scattering off 96Zr — •Christoph Kremer, Simela Aslanidou, Sergej Bassauer, Andreas Krugmann, Norbert Pietralla, Vladimir Ponomarev, Maxim Singer, Gerhart Steinhilber, Peter von Neumann-Cosel, and Markus Zweidinger
18:00 |
HK 58.6 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.