Darmstadt 2016 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 66: Heavy Ion Collision and QCD Phases XIII
Freitag, 18. März 2016, 14:00–16:00, S1/01 A04
14:00 |
HK 66.1 |
The Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR — •David Emschermann for the CBM collaboration
14:30 |
HK 66.2 |
Effective Polyakov loop models for QCD-like theories at finite baryon density — •Philipp Scior, Lorenz von Smekal und Bjoern Wellegehausen
14:45 |
HK 66.3 |
Vacuum-fluctuation effects on inhomogeneous chiral symmetry breaking — •Michael Buballa, Stefano Carignano, and Bernd-Jochen Schaefer
15:00 |
HK 66.4 |
Modeling chiral criticality and its consequences for heavy-ion collisions — •Gabor Almasi, Bengt Friman, and Krzysztof Redlich
15:15 |
HK 66.5 |
Chiral Mirror-Baryon-Meson Model and Nuclear Matter beyond Mean-Field — •Johannes Weyrich, Nils Strodthoff, and Lorenz von Smekal
15:30 |
HK 66.6 |
Kinetics of the chiral phase transition — •Hendrik van Hees, Christian Wesp, Alex Meistrenko, and Carsten Greiner
15:45 |
HK 66.7 |
FRG study of the chiral phase transition in a quark-meson model with (axial-)vector mesons — •Jürgen Eser and Dirk Rischke