Hamburg 2016 – scientific programme
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GR: Fachverband Gravitation und Relativitätstheorie
GR 12: Alternative Theories
GR 12.4: Talk
Thursday, March 3, 2016, 14:45–15:05, VMP6 HS C
Classical GRT and its Lorentz Interpretation — •Jürgen Brandes — Karlsruhe, Germany
Classical GRT and Lorentz Interpretation of GRT are very similar in their experimental predictions so up to now one cannot decide experimentally between them. But there are other differences. GRT has two formulas concerning the energy of particles in the gravitational field which contradict each other. These are E=mc2√(1−2GM/rc2) and E=mc2 both describing the total energy of a particle at rest in the gravitational field. Above this, the second one contradicts the Newtonian limiting case and therefore classical GRT becomes incomplete, too. Within Lorentz Interpretation of GRT these conflicts are solved. Details:
[1] J. Brandes, J. Czerniawski: Spezielle und Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie für Physiker und Philosophen - Einstein- und Lorentz-Interpretation, Paradoxien, Raum und Zeit, Experimente, 4. Aufl., VRI 2010,
[2] Website