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GR: Fachverband Gravitation und Relativitätstheorie
GR 13: Quantum Gravity III
GR 13.1: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 3. März 2016, 16:45–17:05, VMP6 HS A
Background-independent renormalization in spin foam quantum gravity — •Benjamin Bahr — Universität Hamburg
What has become known as "spin foam approach" realises the path integral for quantum gravity as a state sum model. This serves as a computational tool for the physical inner product of loop quantum gravity.
Despite many successes of this formulation in the task for constructing a background-independent theory for quantum gravity, many of its aspects remain unsolved. In particular the renormalization (i.e.: scale-dependent running of coupling constants) of these models is not yet well understood.
In this talk, I will report on the recent advances in defining a background-independent formulation of the Wilsonian RG flow equations. Furthermore, I will demonstrate how asymptotic and RG methods allow for making physical statements about the overall path integral. As an example, we show how the existence of a Minkowski-like vacuum depends on the value of coupling parameters in the state sum.