
Hamburg 2016 – scientific programme

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GR: Fachverband Gravitation und Relativitätstheorie

GR 13: Quantum Gravity III

Thursday, March 3, 2016, 16:45–19:05, VMP6 HS A

16:45 GR 13.1 Background-independent renormalization in spin foam quantum gravity — •Benjamin Bahr
17:05 GR 13.2 Coupled intertwiner dynamics: a toy model for matter on spin foams — •Sebastian Steinhaus
17:25 GR 13.3 Towards higher dimensional quantum geometries — •Johannes Thürigen
17:45 GR 13.4 Hamilton geometry - Dispersion relations and the geometry of spacetime — •Christian Pfeifer
18:05 GR 13.5 Deformed kinematics and Planck scale modifications of Special Relativity — •Lukas Brunkhorst
18:25 GR 13.6 Generalized geometry and non-symmetric gravityBranislav Jurco, •Fech Scen Khoo, Peter Schupp, and Jan Vysoky
18:45 GR 13.7 Geometrical structure of electrodynamics in 5D spacetimes as a candidate for quantum gravity — •Wolf-Dieter R. Stein
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