
Hamburg 2016 – scientific programme

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MP: Fachverband Theoretische und Mathematische Grundlagen der Physik

MP 8: Von der Gravitation zur Quantengravitation

MP 8.1: Talk

Thursday, March 3, 2016, 11:00–11:20, VMP6 HS B

Harmonic d-tensors — •Manuel Hohmann — Physikalisches Institut, Universität Tartu, Estland

Tensor harmonics are a useful mathematical tool for finding solutions to differential equations which transform under a particular representation of the rotation group SO(3). In order to make use of this tool also in the setting of Finsler geometry, where the objects of relevance are d-tensors instead of tensors, we construct a set of d-tensor harmonics for both SO(3) and SO(4) symmetries and show how these can be used for calculations in Finsler geometry and gravity.

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