T 101: Top Quark V (Wirkungsquerschnitte)
Thursday, March 3, 2016, 16:45–18:45, VMP9 HS
16:45 |
T 101.1 |
Measurements of jets produced in top quark events using the di-lepton final state with 2 b-tagged jets in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector — •Christoph Eckardt
17:00 |
T 101.2 |
Measurements of differential top cross-sections in the dilepton channel at 13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment — •Abigail O’Rourke
17:15 |
T 101.3 |
Messung des tt-Wirkungsquerschnitts bei 13 TeV am LHC — •Andre Schmalfeld, Peter Schleper, Hartmut Stadie, Fred Stober, Christoph Garbers und Nataliia Kovalchuk
17:30 |
T 101.4 |
Measurement of the top-quark pair production cross section in the dilepton channel at a center of mass energy of 13 TeV with the CMS detector — •Till Arndt, Maria Aldaya, Carmen Diez Pardos, Alexander Grohsjean, Ali Harb, Johannes Hauk, Jan Kieseler, Andreas Meyer, Eleni Ntomari, and Mykola Savitskyi
17:45 |
T 101.5 |
Measurement of the inclusive top-quark pair cross section in the dilepton channel at 13 TeV with the CMS experiment — •Ali Harb, Maria Aldaya, Till Arndt, Carmen Diez Pardos, Alexander Grohsjean, Johannes Hauk, Eleni Ntomari, and Mykola Savitskyi
18:00 |
T 101.6 |
tt cross section measurement in the semi-leptonic channel at 8 TeV with the ATLAS Experiment — •Arwa Bannoura and Peter Mättig
18:15 |
T 101.7 |
Measurement of the differential tt production cross section as a function of the jet mass in fully merged top quark decays in CMS — •Torben Dreyer, Johannes Haller, and Roman Kogler
18:30 |
T 101.8 |
Measurement of the differential cross section for top-quark pair production in the dilepton channel at 13 TeV with the CMS detector — •Mykola Savitskyi, Maria Aldaya, Till Arndt, Carmen Diez Pardos, Alexander Grohsjean, Ali Harb, Johannes Hauk, and Eleni Ntomari