Hamburg 2016 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 102: Niederenergie-Neutrinophysik III
Donnerstag, 3. März 2016, 16:45–19:05, VMP9 SR 07
16:45 |
T 102.1 |
Latest results from the Double Chooz experiment — •Marianne Göger-Neff for the Double Chooz collaboration
17:05 |
T 102.2 |
Sterile Neutrino Search with the Double Chooz Experiment — •Denise Hellwig, Ilja Bekman, Philipp Kampmann, Stefan Schoppmann, Michael Soiron, Achim Stahl, and Christopher Wiebusch
17:20 |
T 102.3 |
Measurements of the Proton Quenching Effect in Various Organic Liquid Scintillators — •Vincenz Zimmer, Dominikus Hellgartner, Lothar Oberauer, and Stefan Schönert
17:35 |
T 102.4 |
The Reactor Antineutrino Anomalies — •Julia Haser, Christian Buck, and Manfred Lindner
17:50 |
T 102.5 |
Correlated background induced by radioimpurities in Double Chooz — •Michael Franke for the Double Chooz collaboration
18:05 |
T 102.6 |
Meeting the future of coherent neutrino scattering - A feasibility study for upcoming reactor experiments — Marco Salathe and •Thomas Rink
18:20 |
T 102.7 |
Results of the Nucifer reactor neutrino experiment — •Christian Buck and Manfred Lindner
18:35 |
T 102.8 |
Measurement of Reactor Neutrino Oscillations with Double Chooz — •Stefan Schoppmann, Ilja Bekman, Denise Hellwig, Philipp Kampmann, Michael Soiron, Achim Stahl, and Christopher Wiebusch
18:50 |
T 102.9 |
Reactor Neutrino Oscillation Measurement with Double Chooz Hydrogen Data — •Philipp Kampmann, Ilja Bekman, Denise Hellwig, Stefan Schoppmann, Michael Soiron, Achim Stahl, and Christopher Wiebusch