T 14: Starke Wechselwirkung (Experiment) I
Monday, February 29, 2016, 11:00–12:30, VMP8 SR 206
11:00 |
T 14.1 |
Low Pt heavy flavour production at CMS and ZEUS — •Nazar Stefaniuk and Achim Geiser
11:15 |
T 14.2 |
Multiplizität geladener Teilchen in pp Kollisionen für den 100MeV Phasenraum mit dem ATLAS Detektor — •Daniela Börner, Heather Gray, Alison Lister und Roberta Maria Devesa
11:30 |
T 14.3 |
Measurement of pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV by the CMS experiment — •Juan Manuel Grados Luyando, Benoit Roland, and Hannes Jung
11:45 |
T 14.4 |
Determination of the total cross section in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at √s = 8 from elastic scattering using the ALFA sub-detector of ATLAS — •Christian Heinz, Hasko Stenzel, and Michael Düren
12:00 |
T 14.5 |
Observation of soft diffraction with rapidity gaps in the CASTOR calorimeter of CMS — •Melike Akbiyik, Colin Baus, Sebastian Baur, Igor Katkov, Ralf Ulrich, and Hauke Woehrmann
12:15 |
T 14.6 |
ρ0 Photoproduktion im H1-Experiment — •Arthur Bolz