T 15: Top Quark I (Ladungsasymmetrie, Spin)
Montag, 29. Februar 2016, 11:00–12:15, VMP9 HS
11:00 |
T 15.1 |
Messung der Ladungsasymmetrie in tt-Ereignissen am CMS-Experiment — Thorsten Chwalek, Thomas Müller und •Frank Roscher
11:15 |
T 15.2 |
Messung der tt-Ladungsasymmetrie im Lepton+Jets Kanal bei √s=13 TeV mit ATLAS — •Sabrina Groh, Julien Caudron, Tobias Heck und Lucia Masetti
11:30 |
T 15.3 |
Measurements of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the dilepton final state at 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector — •Roger Naranjo, Cecile Deterre, Yvonne Peters, James Howarth, and Ralph Schäfer
11:45 |
T 15.4 |
Measurement of the W Boson Helicity fractions in tt Events at √s=8 TeV in the Lepton+Jets Channel with ATLAS — •Mohamamd Kareem, Boris Lemmer, Maria Moreno Llacer, Arnulf Quadt, and Elizaveta Shabalina
12:00 |
T 15.5 |
Measurement of Spin Correlations in tt Systems in the muon+jets Channel using a Matrix Element Method with the CMS Detector at the LHC — •Kelly Beernaert