Hamburg 2016 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 18: Gammaastronomie I
T 18.5: Talk
Monday, February 29, 2016, 12:05–12:20, VMP9 SR 27
FACT - Influence of Night Sky Background Photons and Crosstalk — •Jens Buss1, Sebastian Müller2, and Fabian Temme1 for the FACT collaboration — 1Experimentelle Physik 5b, TU Dortmund, Deutschland — 2IPP, ETH Zürich, Schweiz
During the last four years, the First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) established silicon-based photo detectors as a valid concept for the imaging atmospheric Cherenkov technique. These detectors, namely silicon photo multipliers (SiPMs), are more robust to bright light conditions than conventional photo multiplier tubes (PMTs). At the same time, SiPMs feature a high photon detection efficiency. As a consequence, this technology yields observations at bright light conditions where PMTs would be damaged.
However, dark counts and night sky background light (NSB), in combination with optical crosstalk and after-pulses contribute to the extracted signal from Cherenkov photons. Therefore, they cause a bias on the photon charge extraction and any subsequent analysis steps. Consequently, it is necessary to understand their impact on the data of FACT.
This presentation will show the influence of changing NSB and crosstalk conditions on the performance of FACT. Therefore, the influence on the analysis chain is investigated on basis of data that were taken at different NSB conditions as well as dedicated Monte Carlo simulations.