T 19: Suche nach dunkler Materie I
Montag, 29. Februar 2016, 11:00–12:35, VMP9 SR 28
11:00 |
T 19.1 |
First Low WIMP Mass Results in EDELWEISS III Experiment. — •Silvia Scorza for the EDELWEISS collaboration
11:20 |
T 19.2 |
The EDELWEISS Dark Matter search programme for 2017 and beyond — •Klaus Eitel for the EDELWEISS collaboration
11:35 |
T 19.3 |
Nutzung von TSV-SiPMs für Fluoreszenzteleskope — •Thomas Huber, Francesca Bisconti, Andreas Ebersoldt, Andreas Haungs, Michael Karus, Max Renschler, Sally-Ann Sandkuhl, Harald Schieler und Andreas Weindl für die JEM-EUSO Kollaboration
11:50 |
T 19.4 |
Search for chameleons with an InGrid based X-ray detector at the CAST experiment — Klaus Desch, Jochen Kaminski, •Christoph Krieger, and Sebastian Schmidt
12:05 |
T 19.5 |
Upgrade of the InGrid based X-ray detector for the CAST experiment — Klaus Desch, Jochen Kaminski, Christoph Krieger, and •Sebastian Schmidt
12:20 |
T 19.6 |
Preliminary Result and Upgrade from WISPDMX Phase II — •le hoang nguyen, dieter horns, and andrei lobanov