T 20: Kosmische Strahlung I
Monday, February 29, 2016, 11:00–12:30, VMP9 SR 29
11:00 |
T 20.1 |
Galactic Cosmic Ray Spectra during Solar Cycle 23 and 24 - Measurement Capabilities of the Electron Proton Helium Telescope on Board SOHO — •Patrick Kühl, Nina Dresing, Jan Gieseler, Bernd Heber, and Andreas Klassen
11:15 |
T 20.2 |
Proton energy spectra during ground level enhancements as measured by EPHIN aboard SOHO — •Bernd Heber, Patrick Kühl, Andreas Klassen, Nina Dresing, and Rául Goméz-Herrero
11:30 |
T 20.3 |
Features of the galactic magnetic field regarding deflections of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays — •Marcus Wirtz, Martin Erdmann, Gero Müller, and Martin Urban
11:45 |
T 20.4 |
Sensitivity of a search for cosmic ray sources including magnetic field effects — •Martin Urban, Martin Erdmann, and Gero Müller
12:00 |
T 20.5 |
Geometrierekonstruktion von niedrigenergetischen Luftschauern mit HEAT* — •Ingolf Jandt für die Pierre-Auger Kollaboration
12:15 |
T 20.6 |
The solar modulation potential derived by spacecraft measurements modified to describe GCRs also at energies below neutron monitors — •Jan Gieseler, Bernd Heber, and Konstantin Herbst