T 34: Starke Wechselwirkung (Experiment) II
Montag, 29. Februar 2016, 16:45–18:30, VMP8 SR 206
16:45 |
T 34.1 |
Measurement of the transverse momentum and φη* distributions of Drell-Yan lepton pairs in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector — •Samuel Webb, Matthias Scott, and Tai-Hua Lin
17:00 |
T 34.2 |
Production of b-jets and pairs of b-jets with associated jets at CMS at 13 TeV — •Patrick Connor, Paolo Gunnellini, and Hannes Jung
17:15 |
T 34.3 |
Messung des J/ψ Meson und des bb Wirkungsquerschnitt bei 13 TeV in Run-II des LHCb Experiments — •Svende Braun, Sevda Esen und Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
17:30 |
T 34.4 |
Precision studies of three pion final states of J/Ψ and Ψ′ at BESIII — •Stuart Fegan
17:45 |
T 34.5 |
Measurement of the very-forward energy spectrum in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with CMS — •Sebastian Baur, Melike Akbiyik, Colin Baus, Igor Katkov, Ralf Ulrich, and Hauke Wöhrmann
18:00 |
T 34.6 |
Hadron Production in Photon-Photon Processes at the ILC — •Kollassery Swathi Sasikumar, Carl Mikael Berggren, and Jenny List
18:15 |
T 34.7 |
Measurement of resonance production in pion-carbon interactions at 158 and 350 GeV/c with NA61/SHINE — •Alexander Herve for the NA61/SHINE collaboration