16:45 |
T 36.1 |
Status of Gerda Phase II — •Victoria Wagner for the GERDA collaboration
17:05 |
T 36.2 |
A new approach to Neganov-Trofimov-Luke cryogenic light detectors for Astroparticle Physics — •Elizabeth Mondragón, X. Defay, J-C. Lanfranchi, A. Langenkämper, A. Münster, E. Olivieri, W. Potzel, S. Schönert, H. Steiger, S. Wawoczny, M. Willers, and A. Zöller
17:20 |
T 36.3 |
The next Enriched Xenon Observatory - A Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay — •Reimund Bayerlein, Patrick Hufschmidt, Ako Jamil, Judith Schneider, Michael Wagenpfeil, Gerrit Wrede, Tobias Ziegler, Jürgen Hößl, Gisela Anton, and Thilo Michel
17:35 |
T 36.4 |
Silicon Photomultipliers for the detection of VUV scintillation light in LXe for the nEXO experiment — •Tobias Ziegler, Ako Jamil, Reimund Bayerlein, Jürgen Hößl, Patrick Hufschmidt, Judith Schneider, Michael Wagenpfeil, Gerrit Wrede, Gisela Anton, and Thilo Michel
17:50 |
T 36.5 |
Setup for SiPM characterization in liquid xenon for the nEXO experiment — •Patrick Hufschmidt, Reimund Bayerlein, Ako Jamil, Judith Schneider, Michael Wagenpfeil, Gerrit Wredel, Tobias Ziegler, Gisela Anton, Juergen Hoessl, and Thilo Michel
18:05 |
T 36.6 |
Search for neutrinoless double beta decay beyond GERDA — •Bernhard Schwingenheuer
18:20 |
T 36.7 |
Untersuchung von TPB-Beschichtungen auf optischen Fasern zur Auslese des Szintillationlichts von flüssigem Argon in GERDA — •Julian Kratz für die GERDA Kollaboration
18:35 |
T 36.8 |
Development of phonon and photon detectors for rare events searches using scintillating crystals — •Felix Ahrens, Christian Enss, Andreas Fleischmann, Loredana Gastaldo, Clemens Hassel, Sebastian Hendricks, Sebastian Kempf, Yong-Hamb Kim, Martin Loidl, Xavier-François Navick, and Matias Rodrigues
18:50 |
T 36.9 |
Suppression of the background coming from 42Ar in the GERDA experiment — •Alexey Lubashevskiy for the GERDA collaboration