Hamburg 2016 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 37: Neutrinoastronomie II
Montag, 29. Februar 2016, 16:45–19:05, VMP9 SR 08
16:45 |
T 37.1 |
KM3NeT/ARCA - Status und Perspektiven — •Tamas Gal für die ANTARES-KM3NeT-Erlangen Kollaboration
17:05 |
T 37.2 |
ORCA sensitivity to ντ appearance — •Steffen Hallmann for the ANTARES-KM3NeT-Erlangen collaboration
17:20 |
T 37.3 |
Search for point-like sources using the diffuse astrophysical muon-neutrino flux in IceCube — •René Reimann, Christian Haack, Leif Rädel, Sebastian Schoenen, Lisa Schumacher, and Christopher Wiebusch for the IceCube collaboration
17:35 |
T 37.4 |
Search for Tau-Neutrino Induced Cascades in the Ice Cube Detector — •Marcel Usner and Marek Kowalski for the IceCube collaboration
17:50 |
T 37.5 |
Core-collapse supernovae as possible counterparts of IceCube neutrino multiplets — •Nora Linn Strotjohann, Markus Voge, Marek Kowalski, and Anna Franckowiak for the IceCube collaboration
18:05 |
T 37.6 |
Towards an Unbiased, Full-Sky Clustering Search with IceCube in Real Time — Elisa Bernardini, Anna Franckowiak, •Thomas Kintscher, Marek Kowalski und Alexander Stasik für die IceCube Kollaboration
18:20 |
T 37.7 |
Messung des Anti-Neutrino/Neutrino-Verhältnisses von atmosphärischen Neutrinos bei Icecube — •David Kappesser, Sebastian Böser, Gerald Krückl und Lutz Köpke
18:35 |
T 37.8 |
Entfaltung der Neutrino-Energie-Spektren verschiedener Quelltypen mit IceCube Daten — •Thorben Menne, Tim Ruhe, Mathis Börner, Thomasz Fuchs, Philipp Schlunder, Maximilian Meier und Alexander Sandrock für die IceCube Kollaboration
18:50 |
T 37.9 |
Search for neutrino point sources with an all-sky autocorrelation analysis in IceCube — •Andrea Turcati, Anna Bernhard, and Stefan Coenders for the IceCube collaboration