Hamburg 2016 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 37: Neutrinoastronomie II
T 37.4: Talk
Monday, February 29, 2016, 17:35–17:50, VMP9 SR 08
Search for Tau-Neutrino Induced Cascades in the Ice Cube Detector — •Marcel Usner and Marek Kowalski for the IceCube collaboration — DESY Zeuthen
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole is a Cherenkov detector built to measure high-energy neutrinos from cosmic sources. A total volume of about one cubic kilometer of the Antarctic ice is instrumented with 5160 optical modules. A tau lepton is created in the charged current interaction of a tau neutrino with an ice nucleus. The Double Bang signature links two subsequent cascades from the hadronic interaction and the tau decay within the detection volume. It can only be resolved at the highest energies around 1 PeV where the decay length of the tau is about 50 m. The work is focused on optimizing reconstruction methods of Double Bang events incorporating the latest ice model. The goal is to measure a flavor ratio that, for the first time, is sensitive to tau neutrinos.