T 42: Trigger und DAQ II
Montag, 29. Februar 2016, 16:45–18:45, VMP11 HS
16:45 |
T 42.1 |
The Data Handling Processor of the Belle II DEPFET Detector — •Leonard Germic, Tomasz Hemperek, Tetsuichi Kishishita, Botho Paschen, Florian Lütticke, Hans Krüger, Carlos Marinas, and Norbert Wermes for the Belle II collaboration
17:00 |
T 42.2 |
Test Runs of a Belle II PXD Prototype Readout System — •Dennis Getzkow, Thomas Geßler, Wolfgang Kühn, Sören Lange, and Klemens Lautenbach for the Belle II collaboration
17:15 |
T 42.3 |
First considerations for a readout system for the ILD TPC with the Timepix3 — •Tobias Schiffer for the LCTPC-Deutschland collaboration
17:30 |
T 42.4 |
The DATCON System of the Belle II Experiment - Tracking and Data Reduction — •Christian Wessel, Jochen Dingfelder, Carlos Marinas, and Bruno Deschamps
17:45 |
T 42.5 |
Online Track and Vertex Reconstruction on GPUs for the Mu3e Experiment — •Dorothea vom Bruch for the Mu3e collaboration
18:00 |
T 42.6 |
GPU-based online track reconstruction for the MuPix-telescope — •Carsten Grzesik for the Mu3e collaboration
18:15 |
T 42.7 |
Flex-prints for the Mu3e experiment — •Sebastian Dittmeier for the Mu3e collaboration
18:30 |
T 42.8 |
Integration des aktualisierten USBPix Testsystems in die Steuersoftware STcontrol — •Eric Buschmann, Jörn Große-Knetter und Arnulf Quadt