Hamburg 2016 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 55: Monte Carlo, Partonschauer, QCD (Theorie)
Dienstag, 1. März 2016, 16:45–19:00, VMP8 SR 105
16:45 |
T 55.1 |
Monte Carlo solution of the DGLAP evolution equation and extraction of TMD densities — •Aleksandra Lelek, Hannes Jung, and Francesco Hautmann
17:00 |
T 55.2 |
Parton Shower Matching for Electroweak Corrections — Michael Krämer, Alexander Mück, and •Lennart Oymanns
17:15 |
T 55.3 |
Automation of soft-gluon resummation in Sherpa — •Piero Ferrarese and Steffen Schumann
17:30 |
T 55.4 |
Fast evaluation of theoretical uncertainties with Sherpa and MCgrid — •Enrico Bothmann, Marek Schönherr, and Steffen Schumann
17:45 |
T 55.5 |
Validation of aMC@NLO & Herwig++ for Processes Involving Top Quarks — •Daniel Rauch and Judith Katzy
18:00 |
T 55.6 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
18:15 |
T 55.7 |
NLO event generation with the (MC)3 sampling algorithm — •Rene Poncelet, Steffen Schumann, and Kevin Kröninger
18:30 |
T 55.8 |
Towards the automatized evaluation of Feynman integrals with differential equations — •Christoph Meyer and Peter Uwer
18:45 |
T 55.9 |
Automation of calculations in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory — Guido Bell, •Rudi Rahn, and Jim Talbert