Hamburg 2016 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 56: Beyond the Standard Model (Theorie)
Dienstag, 1. März 2016, 16:45–19:00, VMP8 SR 106
16:45 |
T 56.1 |
Constraining Composite Higgs Models with direct searches — Christoph Niehoff, •Peter Stangl, and David Straub
17:00 |
T 56.2 |
Indirect Constraints on Composite Higgs Models — •Christoph Niehoff, Peter Stangl, and David Straub
17:15 |
T 56.3 |
Lepton flavour violation in RS models with a brane- or nearly brane-localized Higgs — Martin Beneke, •Paul Moch, and Jürgen Rohrwild
17:30 |
T 56.4 |
Unparticle physics constraints from the hydrogen atom — •Michael Florian Wondrak, Piero Nicolini, and Marcus Bleicher
17:45 |
T 56.5 |
A Simplified Model of Top-Flavoured Dark Matter — •Simon Kast and Monika Blanke
18:00 |
T 56.6 |
Low Scale Unification @ LHC — Pavel Fileviez Perez, •Sebastian Ohmer, and Hiren H. Patel
18:15 |
T 56.7 |
One-Loop Corrections to the Fermion Masses and Flavour Symmetries — Walter Grimus, Patrick Ludl, and •Maximilian Löschner
18:30 |
T 56.8 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
18:45 |
T 56.9 |
Exceptional Dark Matter — •Jakob Schwichtenberg