
Hamburg 2016 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 56: Beyond the Standard Model (Theorie)

T 56.7: Talk

Tuesday, March 1, 2016, 18:15–18:30, VMP8 SR 106

One-Loop Corrections to the Fermion Masses and Flavour SymmetriesWalter Grimus1, Patrick Ludl2, and •Maximilian Löschner11Particle Physics Group, University of Vienna — 2SHEP, University of South Hampton

Extensions of the Standard Model which explain non-vanishing neutrino masses and some of the peculiar features of the lepton mixing matrix by flavour symmetries always lead to a proliferation of scalars in the model. Then, the relation between Yukawa couplings and fermions in general involves several vacuum expectation values. It is therefore expedient to devise a renormalization procedure which is adapted to this situation.

In this talk, we will present first results of an ongoing PhD project on one-loop corrections to fermion masses in a toy model featuring an arbitrary number of Majorana or Dirac fermions and scalar fields, testing the stability of tree level predictions and keeping focus on the renormalization of the vacuum expectation values. This can serve as a preliminary study of the radiative generation of the neutrino masses in explicit physical models, like the so called Scotogenic Model which will also be discussed in this talk.

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