Hamburg 2016 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 58: Elektroschwache Wechselwirkung (Experiment) I
Dienstag, 1. März 2016, 16:45–18:30, VMP8 SR 206
16:45 |
T 58.1 |
Measurement of Tau Polarization in Z Boson Decays at ATLAS — •Benedict Winter, William Davey, and Jochen Dingfelder
17:00 |
T 58.2 |
Measurement of the weak mixing angle from polarization of τ leptons produced in Z decays at CMS — •Vladimir Cherepanov, Günter Flügge, Bastian Kargoll, Wolfgang Lohmann, Alexander Nerhkorn, Ian .M Nugent, Claudia Pistone, Achim Stahl, and Alexander Zotz
17:15 |
T 58.3 |
Measurement of W and Z production in pp collisions at √s =2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector — •Ksenia Gasnikova
17:30 |
T 58.4 |
Messung der W-Boson-Paarproduktion in pp-Kollisionen am ATLAS-Experiment — •Philip Sommer, Christian Weiser und Karl Jakobs
17:45 |
T 58.5 |
Bestimmung der Masse des W-Bosons mit den Daten des ATLAS Experiments — •Verena Herget, Giovanni Siragusa und Raimund Ströhmer
18:00 |
T 58.6 |
Cross section measurement of Z boson pair production with the ATLAS at √s=13 TeV: Background determination and correction for detector effects — •Maurice Becker and Stefan Tapprogge
18:15 |
T 58.7 |
Measurement of the tau polarization in Z → τ τ decays with the ATLAS detector — Philip Bechtle, Klaus Desch, •Lara Schildgen, and Peter Wagner