Hamburg 2016 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 63: Kosmische Strahlung III
T 63.9: Talk
Tuesday, March 1, 2016, 18:50–19:05, VMP9 SR 29
Silicon PM readout in SiECA — •Tobias Jammer for the JEM-EUSO collaboration — Physikalisches Institut, Universit Tübingen
The goal of SiECA, the SiPM Elementary Cell Addon to the EUSO Super Pressure Balloon pathfinder experiment, is to evaluate the feasibility of a Silicon PM camera in an EUSO-like setting. Therefore an additional standalone Elementary Cell will be mounted next to the MAPMT camera to test the UHECR camera prototype in a live environment. This talk will focus on the readout of the Silicon PMs for SiECA and the integration of the addon with the main apparatus.