T 64: Neutrinos, Dunkle Materie und Luftschauer
Dienstag, 1. März 2016, 16:45–19:10, VMP9 SR 30
16:45 |
T 64.1 |
Sterile neutrino search in the STEREO Experiment — Christian Buck, Manfred Lindner, and •Christian Roca
17:05 |
T 64.2 |
The OPERA Experiment: Discovery of ντ Appearance in the CNGS νµ Beam — •Annika Hollnagel for the OPERA-Hamburg collaboration
17:25 |
T 64.3 |
Neutrino-argon interactions in the T2K near detector — •Lukas Koch, Thomas Radermacher, Stefan Roth, and Jochen Steinmann
17:40 |
T 64.4 |
Calibration and neutron detection efficiency in Double Chooz — •Helena Almazan, Christian Buck, Julia Haser, and Manfred Lindner for the Double Chooz collaboration
17:55 |
T 64.5 |
ντ-physics with the SHiP experiment — •Daniel Bick, Stefan Bieschke, Joachim Ebert, Caren Hagner, and Walter Schmidt-Parzefall
18:10 |
T 64.6 |
Study of the optical properties of the DF2000MA daylight film used in the XENON1T muon veto water tank — •Diego Ramírez
18:25 |
T 64.7 |
Status of the 2D Bayesian analysis of XENON100 data — •Stefan Schindler for the XENON collaboration
18:40 |
T 64.8 |
Mounic Footprint of Simulated Extensive Air Showers — •Mona Erfani, Markus Risse, and Alexey Yushkov
18:55 |
T 64.9 |
Geant4-Simulationen des SLAC T-510-Experiments zur Messung elektromagnetischer Strahlung von Teilchenschauern — •Anne Zilles für die SLAC T-510 Kollaboration