Hamburg 2016 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 72: Halbleiterdetektoren IV (MAPS, CMOS)
Mittwoch, 2. März 2016, 16:45–19:05, VMP8 HS
16:45 |
T 72.1 |
A pixel tracker in HV-MAPS technology for the Mu3e experiment — •Heiko Augustin for the Mu3e collaboration
17:05 |
T 72.2 |
Temperaturabhängigkeit von HV-MAPS am Beispiel des MuPix7 — •David Maximilian Immig für die Mu3e Kollaboration
17:20 |
T 72.3 |
HV-MAPS Ergebnisse für Energieauflösung und Schwellenkalibration — •Jan Hammerich für die Mu3e Kollaboration
17:35 |
T 72.4 |
Test beam results of a Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (DMAPS) prototype — •Theresa Obermann, Tomasz Hemperek, Fabian Hügging, Hans Krüger, Benjamin Schwenker, and Norbert Wermes for the ATLAS Pixel collaboration
17:50 |
T 72.5 |
A Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for ionizing radiation using a 180 nm HV-SOI process — •Tomasz Hemperek, Tetsuichi Kishishita, Hans Krüger, and Norbert Wermes
18:05 |
T 72.6 |
Characterization of Active CMOS Pixel Sensors on High Resistive Substrate — •Toko Hirono, Tomasz Hemperek, Fabian Hügging, Hans Krüger, Piotr Rymaszewski, and Norbert Wermes
18:20 |
T 72.7 |
Characterization and radiation studies of diode test structures in LFoundry CMOS technology — •Michael Daas, Laura Gonella, Tomasz Hemperek, Fabian Hügging, Hans Krüger, Anna Macchiolo, David-Leon Pohl, and Norbert Wermes
18:35 |
T 72.8 |
Charakterisierung von HVCMOS Pixeldetektoren für den HL-LHC — Jörn Große-Knetter, Arnulf Quadt, •Julia Rieger und Jens Weingarten
18:50 |
T 72.9 |
A passive CMOS pixel sensor for the high luminosity LHC — Michael Daas, Laura Gonella, Tomasz Hemperek, Fabian Hügging, Jens Janssen, Hans Krüger, Anna Macchiolo, •David-Leon Pohl, and Norbert Wermes