A 26: Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC II (with Q)
Mittwoch, 2. März 2016, 14:30–16:30, f303
14:30 |
A 26.1 |
Time-resolved Scattering of a Single Photon by a Single Atom — •Victor Leong, Mathias Alexander Seidler, Matthias Steiner, Alessandro Cerè, and Christian Kurtsiefer
14:45 |
A 26.2 |
Fermi-Bose mixture of 6Li and 41K — Rianne S. Lous, •Isabella Fritsche, Bo Huang, Michael Jag, Marko Cetina, Jook T.M. Walraven, and Rudolf Grimm
15:00 |
A 26.3 |
Interaction-free measurements with ultracold atoms — Jan Peise, •Bernd Lücke, Luca Pezzé, Frank Deuretzbacher, Wolfgang Ertmer, Jan Arlt, Augusto Smerzi, Luis Santos, and Carsten Klempt
15:15 |
A 26.4 |
Resonant quantum dynamics of few ultracold bosons in periodically driven finite lattices — •Simeon Mistakidis, Thomas Wulf, Antonio Negretti, and Peter Schmelcher
15:30 |
A 26.5 |
Transport through Bose-Einstein condensates with vortices — •Lukas Schwarz, Holger Cartarius, and Günter Wunner
15:45 |
A 26.6 |
temperature measurement of a BEC with tunable interaction by in-situ imaging using semi-classical and hartree-fock model — •Pierre Jouve
16:00 |
A 26.7 |
Towards Ultracold Interaction and Chemistry - Ba+ and Rb in an optical dipole trap — •Alexander Lambrecht, Julian Schmidt, Pascal Weckesser, Leon Karpa, and Tobias Schaetz
16:15 |
A 26.8 |
Satisfying the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen criterion with massive particles — Jan Peise, Ilka Kruse, •Karsten Lange, Bernd Lücke, Luca Pezzè, Jan Arlt, Wolfgang Ertmer, Klemens Hammerer, Luis Santos, Augusto Smerzi, and Carsten Klempt