15:00 |
BP 10.1 |
Directed assembly of soft colloids through rapid solvent exchange — •Arash Nikoubashman, Victoria E. Lee, Chris S. Sosa, Robert K. Prud'homme, Rodney D. Priestley, and Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos
15:15 |
BP 10.2 |
Directed Assembly of Janus Particles through Flow — •Arash Nikoubashman
15:30 |
BP 10.3 |
Self-organized velocity pulses of dense colloidal suspensions in microchannel flow — •Philipp Kanehl and Holger Stark
15:45 |
BP 10.4 |
An empirical correction for multiple scattering in integral laser Doppler velocimetry experiments — •Denis Botin, Ludmila Marotta Mapa, Christopher Wittenberg, Holger Schweinfurt, and Thomas Palberg
16:00 |
BP 10.5 |
Multiscale modelling of complex (macro-)molecular fluid mixtures — •Christoph Junghans, Tiago E. de Oliveira, Paulo A. Netz, Debashish Mukherji, and Kurt Kremer
16:15 |
BP 10.6 |
Kinetics of liquid-liquid phase transition in protein solutions exhibiting LCST phase behavior studied by USAXS — •Fajun Zhang, Stefano Da Vela, Michal Braun, Michael Sztucki, and Frank Schreiber
16:30 |
15 min. break
16:45 |
BP 10.7 |
Hydration and hysteresis of triblock copolymers — •Bernhard Schummer, Stefan Gerth, and Randolf Hanke
17:00 |
BP 10.8 |
Phase behaviour and interactions in a three components γ-globulin based depletion interaction system — •Stefano Da Vela, Fajun Zhang, Sarah El-Asfar, Christian Exner, Michael Sztucki, and Frank Schreiber
17:15 |
BP 10.9 |
Clusters of proteins – are they transient or static? — •Michal Braun, Marco Grimaldo, Felix Roosen-Runge, Christian Beck, Fajun Zhang, Frank Schreiber, and Tilo Seydel
17:30 |
BP 10.10 |
Self-assembled micelles as drug carriers: Influence of molar mass and chain architecture — •Bart-Jan Niebuur, Xiaohan Zhang, Natalya Vishnevetskaya, Petr Chytil, Sergey K. Filippov, and Christine M. Papadakis
17:45 |
BP 10.11 |
Modeling Viscoelastic Properties of Complex Fluids — •Julius Schulz, Alexander Schlaich, Roland Netz, and Julian Kappler