BP 12: Single Molecule Biophysics
Montag, 7. März 2016, 15:00–17:15, H45
15:00 |
BP 12.1 |
Imaging of G-protein coupled receptors while quantifying their ligand-binding free energy landscape to mutiple ligands — •Daniel J. Müller, David Alsteens, Moritz Pfreundschuh, Patrizia M. Spoerri, Shaun R. Coughlin, Cheng Zhang, and Brian K. Kobilka
15:30 |
BP 12.2 |
How RNA Polymerase II elongates through di-nucleosomal DNA? — Veronika Fitz, •Jaeoh Shin, Vasily Zaburdaev, and Stephan Grill
15:45 |
BP 12.3 |
Single-molecule protein nanomechanics of the chaperone DnaK — •Gabriel Zoldak and Matthias Rief
16:00 |
30 min break
16:30 |
BP 12.4 |
Kinesin-1 motors throw each other off the microtubule — •Matthias Rank and Erwin Frey
16:45 |
BP 12.5 |
Expanding the Design Space of Synthetic Membrane Pores — •Kerstin Göpfrich, Satya Bhamidimarri, Alexander Ohmann, Iwona Mames, Eugen Stulz, Mathias Winterhalter, and Ulrich Keyser
17:00 |
BP 12.6 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.