Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 12: Single Molecule Biophysics
BP 12.5: Talk
Monday, March 7, 2016, 16:45–17:00, H45
Expanding the Design Space of Synthetic Membrane Pores — •Kerstin Göpfrich1, Satya Bhamidimarri2, Alexander Ohmann1, Iwona Mames3, Eugen Stulz3, Mathias Winterhalter2, and Ulrich Keyser1 — 1University of Cambridge, UK — 2Jacobs University Bremen, Germany — 3University of Southampton, UK
DNA nanotechnology allows for the creation of membrane-spanning channels with customized functionality. We present three novel designs with channel diameters spanning an order of magnitude from 0.8nm to 8nm. We utilize DNA tile assembly and scaffolded origami with two different scaffold lengths to create channels of variable size and architectural complexity. Bifunctional porphyrin- and cholesterol-tags serve as membrane anchors to facilitate insertion into lipid membranes (J. R. Burns, K. Göpfrich et al., Angew. Chemie, 2013). We compare the conductance of the channels and confirm the correspondence between engineered design and single-channel behaviour. Our channels span three orders of magnitude in conductance, comparable to protein pores encompassing small ion channels as well as large porins. Conductance states are dependent on transmembrane voltage (A. Seifert, K. Göpfrich et al., ACS Nano, 2014). We demonstrate that self-assembly and membrane attachment of simple DNA channels can be achieved within a minute, making their creation scalable for applications in biology (K. Göpfrich et al., Nanoletters, 2015). Our work showcases the versatility of artificial DNA-based pores inspired by the rich structural and functional diversity of natural membrane components.