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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 15: Posters - Complex Fluids and Soft Matter
BP 15.4: Poster
Montag, 7. März 2016, 17:30–19:30, Poster C
Multicomponent nature affects liquid phase-separation as a function of temperature. — •Omar Adame Arana1, Christoph A. Weber1, Andrés F. Diaz Delgadillo2, Anthony Hyman2, and Frank Jülicher1 — 1Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden — 2Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden
Temperature variations affect the fertility of many worm-like species. Fertility in these organisms has been shown to be correlated with the existence of liquid-like drops which phase separate from the remaining cytoplasm. To understand how temperature affects demixing of these drops, embryos of a certain worm species are experimentally subjected to temperature quenches. In these experiments it is observed that the difference of concentration inside and outside of droplet material shows several plateaus as temperature is increased; a behaviour not possible in binary fluids. An open question is whether the multicomponent nature of the cytoplasm can account for this behavior.
To this end we describe the interior of the cytoplasm as a multicomponent mixture using a Flory Huggins model. In this model interactions between the components are captured by parameters which exhibit a specific dependence on temperature. Exploring several choices of interaction parameters we compute the phase diagrams using a convex hull construction. Then we analyze the behavior of the tie lines and find that the difference between concentrations inside and outside of droplet material can exhibit several plateaus as observed in experiments.