Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 19: Posters - Membranes and Vesicles
BP 19.4: Poster
Monday, March 7, 2016, 17:30–19:30, Poster C
AFM Study on Cross-linked Nanodisc Systems — •Patrick Paul1, Dennis Kubiczek2, Nicholas Bodenberger2, Frank Rosenau2, and Kay-E. Gottschalk1 — 1Institute of Experimental Physics, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany — 2Center for Translational Peptide Research, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany
Nanodiscs offer various possibilities in bio nanotechnology [1]. Embedding different proteins in the lipid double layer functionalize them in a designed way [2]. By adding reactive groups to the membrane scaffold proteins (MSP) crosslinking gets possible between the discs.
We present a study of cross-linked nanodiscs to create arrays of functionalized surfaces. With the help of atomic force microscopy we control and monitor sample preparation.
[1] Bayburt et al., J Struct Biol., 1998 Sep;123(1):37-44.
[2] Nath et al., Biochemistry, 2007 Feb 27;46(8):2059-69.