BP 30: Microswimmers I (Joint Session with DY)
Dienstag, 8. März 2016, 09:30–13:00, H47
09:30 |
BP 30.1 |
Amoeboid swimming — •Chaouqi Misbah
10:00 |
BP 30.2 |
Meandering liquid crystal droplet swimmers — •Carsten Krüger, Corinna Maass, Christian Bahr, and Stephan Herminghaus
10:15 |
BP 30.3 |
Dynamical density functional theory of microswimmers — •Andreas M. Menzel, Arnab Saha, Christian Hoell, and Hartmut Löwen
10:30 |
BP 30.4 |
Dynamics of a single self-propelled particle — •Christina Kurzthaler, Sebastian Leitmann, and Thomas Franosch
10:45 |
BP 30.5 |
Droplet swimmers in complex geometries: Autochemotaxis and trapping at pillars. — •Chenyu Jin, Corinna Maaß, Carsten Krüger, and Stephan Herminghaus
11:00 |
15 min break
11:15 |
BP 30.6 |
Dimensionality matters in the collective behaviour of active emulsions — •Corinna Maaß, Carsten Krüger, and Stephan Herminghaus
11:30 |
BP 30.7 |
Quantification of modular phoretic micro-swimmers — •Ran Niu, Christopher Wittenberg, Julian Weber, Denis Botin, and Thomas Palberg
11:45 |
BP 30.8 |
Confinement of Single Microswimmers in Circular Microfluidic Chambers — •Tanya Ostapenko, Thomas Böddeker, Christian Kreis, Fabian Schwarzendahl, Marco G. Mazza, and Oliver Bäumchen
12:00 |
BP 30.9 |
Tumbling of an E. coli: role of rotation-induced polymorphism and external shear — •Tapan Chandra Adhyapak and Holger Stark
12:15 |
BP 30.10 |
Sperm Cells in Structured Microchannels — •Sebastian Rode, Jens Elgeti, and Gerhard Gompper
12:30 |
BP 30.11 |
Cross-stream transport of asymmetric particles driven by oscillating shear — •Matthias Laumann, Paul Bauknecht, Stephan Gekle, Diego Kienle, and Walter Zimmerman
12:45 |
BP 30.12 |
Calibration method for pH measurements with spatial and temporal resolution — •Julian Weber