BP 37: Cell Mechanics and Migration
Mittwoch, 9. März 2016, 09:30–12:45, H44
09:30 |
BP 37.1 |
Reconstituting basic mitotic spindles in artificial confinement — •Marileen Dogterom
10:00 |
BP 37.2 |
Microglia mechanics: From traction forces to durotaxis — •David Koser, Lars Bollmann, and Kristian Franze
10:15 |
BP 37.3 |
Gating mechanosensitive channels in bacteria with an atomic force microscope — •Renata Garces, Samantha Miller, and Christoph F. Schmidt
10:30 |
BP 37.4 |
Using photonic force microscopy to investigate filopodia mediated phagocytosis — •Rebecca Michiels and Alexander Rohrbach
10:45 |
BP 37.5 |
Elastic Resonator Stress Microscopy (ERISM) – A Novel Tool for Cell-Mechanical Investigations — •Philipp Liehm, Nils M. Kronenberg, Anja Steude, Andrew Morton, and Malte C. Gather
11:00 |
30 min break
11:30 |
BP 37.6 |
Fibroblast mechanics: a story of history — •Mathias Sander and Albrecht Ott
11:45 |
BP 37.7 |
Transfer of mechanical stimuli along single microtubules and small networks — •Alexander Rohrbach and Matthias Koch
12:00 |
BP 37.8 |
The mechano-response of flagellar oscillators — •Gary Klindt, Benjamin Friedrich, Christian Ruloff, and Christian Wagner
12:15 |
BP 37.9 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
12:30 |
BP 37.10 |
Membrane tension feedback on shape and motility in a phase field model for crawling cells — •Benjamin Winkler, Igor Aranson, and Falko Ziebert