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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 37: Cell Mechanics and Migration
BP 37.8: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 9. März 2016, 12:00–12:15, H44
The mechano-response of flagellar oscillators — •Gary Klindt1, Benjamin Friedrich1, Christian Ruloff2, and Christian Wagner2 — 1MPI PKS, Dresden — 2Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken
Motile cilia and flagella are slender cell appendages that beat rhythmically, powered by the collective dynamics of thousands of molecular motors inside. The beat of flagella transports fluids in airways and the brain of mammals.
Cellular microswimmers use beating flagella for self-propulsion, such as the green alga 'Chlamydomonas' that swims like a breast-swimmer with two flagella.
We characterize the load characteristic and dynamic force-velocity relationship of beating flagella using controlled microfluidic flows. We obtain a description in terms of a limit-cycle oscillator [1] with force-dependent phase and amplitude dynamics.
We incorporate this flagellar mechano-response into hydrodynamic simulations of flagellar swimming based on a fast boundary element method [2]. With this we computationally assess the role of the active waveform compliance of flagellar beating on swimming and synchronization.
[1] 1. Ma, R., Klindt, G. S., Riedel-Kruse, I. H., Jülicher, F. & Friedrich, B. M. Active Phase and Amplitude Fluctuations of Flagellar Beating. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 048101 (2014). [2] Klindt, G. S., Friedrich, B. M., Flagellar swimmers oscillate between Pusher- and Puller-type swimming, Phys. Rev. E, submitted and accepted.