BP 46: Posters - Biomaterials and Biopolymers
Mittwoch, 9. März 2016, 17:00–19:00, Poster C
17:00 |
BP 46.1 |
Neutron Reflectometry Yields Structural Insight into Protein Adsorption from Blood Serum onto Polymer Brushes — Ignacio Rodriguez Loureiro, •Victoria Latza, Avraham Halperin, Giovanna Fragneto, and Emanuel Schneck
17:00 |
BP 46.2 |
Novel hybrid hydrogel substrates elicit differential responses from human mesenchymal stem cells — •Christina Jayachandran and Florian Rehfeldt
17:00 |
BP 46.3 |
Stochastic binding of Staphylococcus aureus — •Nicolas Thewes, Alexander Thewes, Friederike Nolle, Ludger Santen, and Karin Jacobs
17:00 |
BP 46.4 |
DNA-based molecular force sensors in reconstituted actin networks — •Christina Jayachandran, Florian Rehfeldt, and Christoph Schmidt
17:00 |
BP 46.5 |
Programming mechanics in semiflexible DNA tube networks — •Carsten Schuldt, Tina Händler, Martin Glaser, Tom Golde, Jessica Lorenz, Jörg Schnauß, Josef A. Käs, and David M. Smith
17:00 |
BP 46.6 |
Mesh size of semiflexible polymer networks — •Tina Händler, Martin Glaser, Tom Golde, Carsten Schuldt, Jörg Schnauß, Josef Käs, and David Smith