17:00 |
BP 49.1 |
Investigation of Mechanical Properties of the Cytoskeleton Using FEM Simulations — •Ralf Schuster, Tobias Neckernuss, Tobias Paust, Kay Gottschalk, and Othmar Marti
17:00 |
BP 49.2 |
Force Generation of Blood Platelets — •Jana Hanke and Sarah Köster
17:00 |
BP 49.3 |
Phagosomes of different size show qualitatively different transport characteristics — •Steve Keller, Konrad Berghoff, and Holger Kress
17:00 |
BP 49.4 |
Fibroblast mechanics: a story of history — •Mathias Sander and Albrecht Ott
17:00 |
BP 49.5 |
Development of a mechanically stable cell stretcher for measuring the influence of external strain on cell mechanics with the AFM. — •Fabian Port, Patrick Paul, and Kay-E. Gottschalk
17:00 |
BP 49.6 |
Measuring cell clasticity in PXE- and TMEM43-cells using an Optical Stretcher — •Daniel Helling, Jialiang Yu, Roland Stange, Jennifer Petersmeyer, Bettina Ibold, Doris Hendig, Volker Walhorn, Hendrik Milting, and Dario Anselmetti
17:00 |
BP 49.7 |
Mechano-sensitivity is cell type specific — •Galina Kudryasheva and Florian Rehfeldt
17:00 |
BP 49.8 |
Mechanical properties of young and senescence dermal fibroblast cells using passive microrheology. — •Samira Khalaji, Fenneke KleinJan, Eugenia Makrantonaki, Vida Farsam, Ulla Nolte, Karin Scharffetter-Kochanek, and Kay-E Gottschalk
17:00 |
BP 49.9 |
Transport of micro-objects by amoeboid cells — •Manuel Frey, Oliver Nagel, Matthias Gerhardt, and Carsten Beta
17:00 |
BP 49.10 |
Mechanical coupling between the cytoskeleton and the nucleus — •Gabriele Straaß and Florian Rehfeldt
17:00 |
BP 49.11 |
Cell adhesion and cell sorting across the EMT — •Steve Pawlizak, Anatol Fritsch, Steffen Grosser, Linda Oswald, Dave Ahrens, Tobias Thalheim, M. Lisa Manning, and Josef A. Käs
17:00 |
BP 49.12 |
Mechanical properties of non-adhering cells — •Samaneh Rezvani, Tod M. Squires, and Christoph F. Schmidt
17:00 |
BP 49.13 |
Regulation of muscle contraction by Drebrin-like protein 1 probed by atomic force microscopy — •Renata Garces, Eugenia Butkevich, Mitja Platen, and Christoph F. Schmidt
17:00 |
BP 49.14 |
Macrophages are sensitive to substrate elasticity during Fcγ receptor-mediated phagocytosis — •Wolfgang Gross, Kathrin Weidner-Hertrampf, and Holger Kress
17:00 |
BP 49.15 |
Non-equilibrium mechanics of suspended cells probed by dual optical traps — •Florian Schlosser, Christoph F. Schmidt, and Florian Rehfeldt
17:00 |
BP 49.16 |
Mechanically tunable biomimetic hyaluronic acid based hydrogels — Frederike Derksen, Gevin von Witte, and •Florian Rehfeldt
17:00 |
BP 49.17 |
Controlling and multiscale modelling of contractility in adherent cells — •Dimitri Probst, Christoph A. Brand, Marco Linke, Patrick W. Oakes, Elizabeth Wagner, Michael Glotzer, Margaret L. Gardel, and Ulrich S. Schwarz
17:00 |
BP 49.18 |
Contractility of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes on micropatterned substrates of different stiffnesses — •Til Driehorst, Malte Tiburcy, Wolfram Hubertus Zimmermann, and Christoph Friedrich Schmidt
17:00 |
BP 49.19 |
Cell motility generated by actin polymerization waves — •Nicolas Ecker and Karsten Kruse
17:00 |
BP 49.20 |
Investigations on Single Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells — •Susanne Steeger, Julia Kristin, Marcel Glaas, Jörg Schipper, and Mathias Getzlaff
17:00 |
BP 49.21 |
Corellation of Adhesive and Viscoelastic Tumor Markers — •Erik W. Morawetz, Lars Christian Horn, Michael Höckel, and Josef A. Käs